page 2 stage
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The Basics
This section covers the basics of Page 2 Stage. If you are familiar with other screenwriting programs and you are familiar with Microsoft Word, you will find most of this section (but not all) very familiar.

Staying out of the way
The primary design goal of Page 2 Stage was to stay out of the screenwriters way. To operate and assist in the manner most natural so that the writer is actually never thinking of the program and instead is thinking only of the script. We feel Page 2 Stage has met this goal.

Attention to detail
One of the finest features of Page 2 Stage is it's attention to detail throughout the program. The below items are just a few examples of this.

Unprintable Border
Almost every printer has a border on the edge of the paper that the printer cannot print on. This is about ¼" wide around on most LaserJets. Many programs require that you, the user take this into account when setting your margins and if you want a 1½" margin, you set it to 1¼". Page 2 Stage retreives this border from the printer driver and handles this for you. So a 1½" margin is 1½".

Power Management
When your computer is about to lose power, either because the battery is running low or the UPS has warned the computer, Windows sends a message to all programs. Page 2 Stage listens for that message and saves all of your work when it receives it. When your laptop goes to low power or suspend mode, your script is safe on disk.

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 Windward Studios and Page 2 Stage are trademarks of Windward Studios, Inc.
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 Page 2 Stage is a product of Windward Studios, Inc.