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Best Screenwriting in a Comedy Series
"In 2001 the writers hired by Cullen Robertson Productions Inc all purchased
Page2Stage and used it to write a series called Point Blank. Point Blank
is a 13 part parody of TV news magazine programs like Dateline. It
begins a second run on Canada's Comedy Network June 22nd. In May, 2002,
four of our writers, Jennifer Robertson, Andrew Grose, Tim Burton and
Peter New won a Leo Award for Best Screenwriting in a Comedy Series. The
Leo Awards are given out annualy in Vancouver for all film and
television programs produced in British Columbia. This is quite a
feather in their cap, and, no doubt, yours also. I thought you should
know. You can see some examples of their talent by checking out our
website, cullenrobertson.tv. Thanks for making this software available
at such a reasonable price."
Bob Robertson
Executive producer
Cullen Robertson Productions
Screen by Screen
This section shows the features in Page 2 Stage piece by piece. There are a lot of screen shots in this
section so if you have a slow connection some of these pages will take awhile to load. We have a lot of screen
shots because that is the best way to give a complete picture of the program.
Other Options
If the screen shots get too slow you may want to: view the features page or download the Demo.