home > support > password instructions > Password Overview How it Works It Doesn't Work I Only Have the Demo Program Step By Step Now start Page 2 Stage. You will see this window: You will now see a screen like this: Note: If you already have a username and password entered here, click the mouse in each text box and press
the Delete or Backspace key to delete all letters previously entered in each text box.
Go back to your e-mail page. Select your name from the message. You do this by first moving the mouse (cursor)
to the begining of your name and clicking the left mouse button. Then move the mouse to the end of your name,
hold down the Shift key, and click the left mouse button again. You have now selected your name and the text
for your name should now be reversed. It is ok if you get some spaces at the ends of your name - but make sure you
get all of your name. The screen should look like this: Now hold down the CTRL key and press C. (This is ususally described as press Ctrl-C.) This copies the text
you selected from your e-mail into the Windows clipboard.
Now go to the Page 2 Stage window asking for the username and password and click the mouse in the text box to
the right of "User name:" so the caret is blinking in that text box. Then press Ctrl-V (hold down the Ctrl
key and press the V key). This will insert the name in the text box here. Your window should now look like: Make very certain that you got all of your name, nothing more, nothing less.
note: Do not worry if you have spaces before or after the name - Page 2 Stage will get rid of all extra spaces
at either end of the username and password.
Now do the same thing for the password. Go to your e-mail, select the password, and press Ctrl-C. Go to
Page 2 Stage, click in the Password text box, and press Ctrl-V. Page 2 Stage should now look like: Make very certain that you got all of your password, nothing more, nothing less.
Then click on the OK button. Page 2 Stage will exit. After it exits, start it again and it should go right
in to the program without asking for the username and password.